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MSPC persists the results of each execution to a separate folder. Users can specify the output directory via the optional argument -o | --output; if not specified, MSPC creates an output directory with the following naming scheme.


// For example:

Each output folder contains the following information:

A log file that contains the execution log; Consensus peaks in standard BED and MSPC format; One folder per each replicates contains BED files containing stringent, weak, background, confirmed, discarded, true-positive, and false-positive peaks. You may refer to the Sets page for a detailed description of each category.

An MSPC generated output for two replicates rep1 and rep2 is as the following:

└── session_20210309_131747501
├── ConsensusPeaks.bed
├── ConsensusPeaks_mspc_peaks.txt
├── EventsLog_20210309_1317475050929.txt
├── rep1
│ ├── Background.bed
│ ├── Background_mspc_peaks.txt
│ ├── Confirmed.bed
│ ├── Confirmed_mspc_peaks.txt
│ ├── Discarded.bed
│ ├── Discarded_mspc_peaks.txt
│ ├── FalsePositive.bed
│ ├── FalsePositive_mspc_peaks.txt
│ ├── Stringent.bed
│ ├── Stringent_mspc_peaks.txt
│ ├── TruePositive.bed
│ ├── TruePositive_mspc_peaks.txt
│ └── Weak.bed
│ ├── Weak_mspc_peaks.txt
└── rep2
├── Background.bed
├── Background_mspc_peaks.txt
├── Confirmed.bed
├── Confirmed_mspc_peaks.txt
├── Discarded.bed
├── Discarded_mspc_peaks.txt
├── FalsePositive.bed
├── FalsePositive_mspc_peaks.txt
├── Stringent.bed
├── Stringent_mspc_peaks.txt
├── TruePositive.bed
├── TruePositive_mspc_peaks.txt
└── Weak.bed
└── Weak_mspc_peaks.txt

BED files

The *.bed files contain peaks in the standard BED format. These files contain peaks parsed from input files organized under the stringent, weak, background, confirmed, discarded, true-positive and false-positive groups. For example, peaks in a Confirmed.bed and Discarded.bed files may read is the following:

$ head .\rep1\Confirmed.bed
chr start stop name -1xlog10(p-value) strand
chr1 32600 32680 peak_4 4.08 .
chr1 32726 32936 peak_5 17.5 .
chr1 34689 34797 peak_6 5.82 .
chr1 35083 35124 peak_7 4.59 .
chr1 38593 38836 peak_8 10.7 .

$ head .\rep1\Discarded.bed
chr start stop name -1xlog10(p-value) strand
chr1 137343 137383 peak_10 4.8 .
chr1 228585 228625 peak_12 4.37 .
chr1 265059 265115 peak_14 5.22 .
chr1 557793 557833 peak_29 4.16 .
chr1 725914 725963 peak_34 5.95 .

Accordingly, the peak named MACS_peak_4 is confirmed while a peak with MACS_peak_10 name is discarded.

MSPC Peaks

The *_mspc_peaks.txt files group input peaks in different groups similar to the *.bed files. In addition, they contain information about the analysis performed on each peak. The additional information are:

  1. Combined probability of each peak that is X-squared of Fisher’s method;

  2. Right-tailed probability of the X-squared (represented in -Log10 (right-tailed probability);

  3. Benjamini–Hochberg corrected p-value (represented in -Log10 (Adjusted p-value).

For example, peaks corresponding to the above-mentioned peaks in the confirmed and discarded sets are as the following.

$ head .\rep1\Confirmed_mspc_peaks.txt
chr start stop name -1xlog10(p-value) strand xSqrd -1xlog10(Right-Tail Probability) -1xlog10(AdjustedP-value)
chr1 32600 32680 peak_4 4.08 . 222.936 46.359 4.07
chr1 32726 32936 peak_5 17.5 . 284.738 59.674 16.146
chr1 34689 34797 peak_6 5.82 . 74.005 14.49 5.634
chr1 35083 35124 peak_7 4.59 . 52.867 10.042 4.537
chr1 38593 38836 peak_8 10.7 . 121.576 24.609 9.892

$ head .\rep1\Discarded_mspc_peaks.txt
chr start stop name -1xlog10(p-value) strand xSqrd -1xlog10(Right-Tail Probability) -1xlog10(AdjustedP-value)
chr1 137343 137383 peak_10 4.8 . 22.105 4.8 NaN
chr1 228585 228625 peak_12 4.37 . 20.125 4.37 NaN
chr1 265059 265115 peak_14 5.22 . 24.039 5.22 NaN
chr1 557793 557833 peak_29 4.16 . 19.158 4.16 NaN
chr1 725914 725963 peak_34 5.95 . 27.401 5.95 NaN

Note that the first five columns are identical between *.bed and *_mspc_peaks.txt files, the columns 6, 7, and 8 are added in the *_mspc_peaks.txt files.

In order to reproduce these results, you may run the following commands:

wget -O; unzip -d .
.\mspc.exe -i .\rep*.bed -r bio -w 1e-4 -s 1e-8

Log File

This file contains the information, debugging messages, and exceptions that occurred during the execution. The files reads as the following:

2021-03-09 15:47:22,524	[1]	INFO 	NOTE THAT THE LOG PATTERN IS: <Date> <#Thread> <Level> <Message>
2021-03-09 15:47:22,570 [1] INFO Export Directory: C:\mspc\session_20210309_154722332
2021-03-09 15:47:22,572 [1] INFO Degree of parallelism is set to 8.
2021-03-09 15:47:22,595 [1] INFO .::...Parsing Samples....::.
2021-03-09 15:47:22,597 [1] INFO # Filename Read peaks# Min p-value Mean p-value Max p-value
2021-03-09 15:47:22,597 [1] INFO ---- -------------------- ----------- ----------- ------------ -----------
2021-03-09 15:47:22,906 [1] INFO 1/2 .\rep1.bed 53,697 2.239E-074 1.085E-003 1.000E-002
2021-03-09 15:47:23,082 [1] INFO 2/2 .\rep2.bed 37,717 5.370E-301 1.520E-004 9.550E-003
2021-03-09 15:47:23,084 [1] INFO .::..Analyzing Samples...::.
2021-03-09 15:47:23,093 [5] INFO [1/4] Initializing
2021-03-09 15:47:23,412 [5] INFO [2/4] Processing samples
2021-03-09 15:47:23,749 [1] INFO .::....Saving Results....::.
2021-03-09 15:47:26,162 [1] INFO .::..Summary Statistics..::.
2021-03-09 15:47:26,163 [1] INFO # Filename Read peaks# Background Weak Stringent Confirmed Discarded TruePositive FalsePositive
2021-03-09 15:47:26,164 [1] INFO ---- -------------------- ----------- ---------- -------- --------- --------- --------- ------------ -------------
2021-03-09 15:47:26,178 [1] INFO 1/2 rep1 53,697 47.05% 42.95% 10.01% 26.84% 26.12% 26.84% 0.00%
2021-03-09 15:47:26,191 [1] INFO 2/2 rep2 37,717 16.30% 50.35% 33.35% 43.48% 40.22% 43.48% 0.00%
2021-03-09 15:47:26,192 [1] INFO .::.Consensus Peaks Count.::.
2021-03-09 15:47:26,192 [1] INFO 17,290
2021-03-09 15:47:26,193 [1] INFO Elapsed time: 00:00:03.9396445
2021-03-09 15:47:26,193 [1] INFO All processes successfully finished.

Note that the logs are reported in the following format:

<Date> <#Thread> <Level> <Message>
  • Message is the description of each log entry;

  • Possible values for Level are INFO, DEBUG and ERR;

  • Thread is the number of the process thread MSPC used for executing each process. MSPC runs operations in parallel using n threads, where n is the degree of parallelism and reported at the beginning of the logs. It can be set via the -d | -degree-of-parallelism argument. This information is useful for debugging purposes only.

See Also