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Call Example:

// minimum
dotnet mspc.dll -i rep1.bed -i rep2.bed -r bio -s 1E-8 -w 1E-4

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Arguments Quick Reference

ArgumentRequiredShort argValid ValuesDefault Value
Input-iBED filenone
Replicate Type-rbio, tecnone
Stringency threshold-sdoublenone
Weak threshold-wdoublenone
Gamma-gdoubleStringency threshold
Multiple Intersections-mlowest, highestlowest
Degree of Parallelism-dintMaximum allowed by the underlying scheduler
Input Parser Configuration-pFile pathnone
Output path-oDirectory pathsession_ + <Timestamp>
Exclude HeaderFalse (not provided)


In the following we explain arguments in details.


Sample files are listed after the -i or --input argument.

ShortLongRequiredValid valuesDefault value
-i--inputBED filenone


dotnet mspc.dll -i rep1.bed -i rep2.bed -i rep3.bed -r bio -w 1e-4 -s 1e-8

You may also pass the input files space-delimited:

dotnet mspc.dll -i rep1.bed rep2.bed rep3.bed -r bio -w 1e-4 -s 1e-8

Wildcard characters can be used to specify multiple files; for instance:

# read all the files with .bed extension as input:
$ dotnet mspc.dll -i *.bed -r bio -w 1e-4 -s 1e-8

# read multiple set of files in different directories:
$ dotnet mspc.dll -i C:\setA\*.bed -i C:\setB\sci-ATAC*.bed -r bio -w 1e-4 -s 1e-8

By default, MSPC reads input files unstranded, if your data are stranded, you may adjust the parser accordingly.

Replicate Type

Samples could be biological or technical replicates. MSPC differentiates between the two replicate types based on the fact that less variations between technical replicates is expected compared to biological replicates. Replicate type can be specified using the following argument:

ShortLongRequiredValid valuesDefault value
-r--replicateBio, Biological, Tec, Technicalnone


dotnet mspc.dll -i rep1.bed -i rep2.bed -r tec -w 1e-4 -s 1e-8
dotnet mspc.dll -i rep1.bed -i rep2.bed -r biological -w 1e-4 -s 1e-8

Weak Threshold

It sets a threshold on p-values, such that peaks with p-value between this and stringency threshold, are considered weak peaks.

ShortLongRequiredValid valuesDefault value


dotnet mspc.dll -i rep1.bed -i rep2.bed -r bio -w 1e-4 -s 1e-8

Stringency Threshold

It sets a threshold on p-values, where peaks with p-value lower than this threshold, are considered stringent.

ShortLongRequiredValid valuesDefault value


dotnet mspc.dll -i rep1.bed -i rep2.bed -r bio -w 1e-4 -s 1e-8


It sets the combined stringency threshold. Peaks with combined p-value below this threshold are confirmed.

ShortLongRequiredValid valuesDefault value
-g--gammaOptionalDoubleEqual to Stringency Threshold


dotnet mspc.dll -i rep1.bed -i rep2.bed -r bio -w 1e-4 -s 1e-8 -g 1e-8


It sets the minimum number of overlapping peaks required before MSPC combines their p-value. For example, given three replicates (rep1, rep2 and rep3), if C = 3, a peak on rep1 must overlap with at least two peaks, one from rep2 and one from rep3, before MSPC combines their p-value; otherwise, MSPC discards the peak. If C = 2, a peak on rep1 must overlap with at least one peak from either rep2 or rep3, before MSPC combines their p-values; otherwise MSPC discards the peak.

ShortLongRequiredValid valuesDefault value

The value of C can be given in absolute (e.g., C = 2 will require at least 2 samples) or percentage of input samples (e.g., C = 50% will require at least 50% of input samples) formats.

The minimum value of C is 1. If a value less than 1 is given (e.g., C = 0, C = 0%, or C = -1), MSPC automatically sets it to 1 (i.e., C = 1).


dotnet mspc.dll -i rep1.bed -i rep2.bed -r bio -w 1e-4 -s 1e-8 -c 2

dotnet mspc.dll -i rep1.bed -i rep2.bed -r bio -w 1e-4 -s 1e-8 -c 50%

Note, you do not need to enclose a value for C in " to represent it as a string; the values are automatically considered as string type objects. In other words, you do not need to enter the value as C "3".


It sets the threshold for Benjamini-Hochberg multiple testing correction.

ShortLongRequiredValid valuesDefault value


dotnet mspc.dll -i rep1.bed -i rep2.bed -r bio -w 1e-4 -s 1e-8 -a 0.05

Multiple Intersections

When multiple peaks from a sample overlap with a given peak, this argument defines which of the peaks to be considered: the one with lowest p-value, or the one with highest p-value?

ShortLongRequiredValid valuesDefault value
-m--multipleIntersectionsOptionalLowest, HighestLowest


dotnet mspc.dll -i rep1.bed -i rep2.bed -r bio -w 1e-4 -s 1e-8 -m lowest

Degree of Parallelism

It sets the number of parallel threads MSPC can utilize simultaneously when processing data.

ShortLongRequiredValid valuesDefault value
-d--degreeOfParallelismOptionalintNumber of logical processors on the current machine


dotnet mspc.dll -i rep1.bed -i rep2.bed -r bio -w 1e-4 -s 1e-8 -d 12

Input Parser Configuration

Sets the path to a JSON file containing the configuration for the input BED file parser.

ShortLongRequiredValid valuesDefault value
-p--parserOptionalFile pathnone

Refer to this page on how to configure the input parser using a JSON object.

Output Path

Sets the path in which analysis results should be persisted. If it is not given, the default folder is name session_ + <Timestamp>. If a given folder name already exists, and is not empty, MSPC will append _n where n is an integer until no duplicate is found. See the Output page on the contents of this folder.

ShortLongRequiredValid valuesDefault value
-o--outputOptionalDirectory pathsession_ + <Timestamp>

Exclude Header

This is a flag (i.e., it does not require any value), if provided, MSPC does not add a header to the files it generates. If not provided (default), MSPC will add a header to all the files it generates.

ShortLongRequiredValid valuesDefault value
--excludeHeaderOptionalFalse (not provided)


dotnet mspc.dll --excludeHeader
dotnet mspc.dll --excludeHeader true
dotnet mspc.dll --excludeHeader false